If you live in an area of the country that was covered in snow, ice, and salt for most of the winter, then you may have been worried all winter long that you would get into an auto accident on the icy roads or wake up one day to a car that just wouldn't start due to the low temperatures. Now that winter is over and your car has survived it, you may be greatly relieved and looking forward to a fun spring and summer filled with rides around town and even out of state as you enjoy the warm temperatures. 

However, it is very important to have your car examined for winter damage that may not be noticeable until after you embark on a long "road trip" and are far from home and from your regular auto shop. Read on to learn about two important parts of your vehicle to have checked for damage now before it's too late. 

1. Have Your Braking System Examined

Having a car braking system that is in good working order is very important to your safety while on the road, of course. Spring is the perfect time to have your entire braking system inspected for damage, because the harsh winter elements, especially road salt and deicing chemicals, can take a toll on your brakes during the winter. 

If your brakes make any kind of noise when you use them, especially squeaking sounds, then it is extra important to have them inspected now before damage becomes worse. These sounds mean your brake pads likely need replacement, and if you let your brake pads deteriorate too much, it can lead to damage to your brake rotors that will be much more costly to replace than just the brake pads. 

2. Have Your Battery Tested

If your car started on the first try all winter long, even in very cold temperatures, then you may be under the impression that your battery is still working very well and you won't have any problems with it this spring and summer. The truth is that cold winter temperatures do take a toll on a battery, and sometimes this damage is immediately evident in the winter when your car just won't start one day, but other times, the damage isn't obvious until the temperatures rise. 

This is because winter weather is not the only weather that takes a toll on a battery -- the summer heat actually damages it more. Surprisingly, more batteries die in the summer than they do the winter, and this may be due to the cumulative effects of both a long, cold winter and a hot summer. Once a battery survives the winter, it is much more likely to finally go bad when subjected to the hot summer heat. 

To help ensure your battery doesn't go bad on you when you are far from home, have your local auto shop run a simple test on it to see if it needs to be replaced or not. These tests are often free and, if you do need your battery replaced, then you can do it before it dies and leaves you stranded on the road somewhere. 

Spring is one of the best times to have routine vehicle maintenance performed, especially if your vehicle just "survived" a long, cold, snowy winter. Make sure you have your brakes and battery tested for damage the cold weather and winter elements likely inflicted on them so you can have them repaired or replaced before the damage causes you to become stranded on the road away from home. Contact a company like Coliseum Motors to learn more.
